Blog, Dietary Info

What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

Inflammation in the body is linked to many health diseases and conditions including conditions such as obesity, arthritis, asthma, eczema, fertility problems, heart problems, auto-immune – the list goes on. But, what is an anti-inflammatory diet and how can inflammation be helped?

It all starts with diet

Understanding what an anti-inflammatory diet is will help you plan your approach to reducing inflammation. Unfortunately, doctors do not always recognise that inflammation is the cause of these conditions, and they also do not have a very good understanding of nutrition, but having a good diet and focusing on the health of the digestive system can help to improve symptoms related to any condition caused by inflammation. In some instances, you can even reverse your health problems.

So, what is an anti-inflammatory diet and what simple changes can you make to your diet to help reduce inflammation?

  1. Bone broth. Our ancestors have been cooking up broth for thousands of years. In recent years, medical professionals have also acknowledged that bone broth can help with inflammation reduction, particularly in the digestive system. It’s the amino acids found in bone broth, including glycine and arginine, that have strong anti-inflammatory effects [1].
  2. Eat purple foods [3]. All purple foods contain an antioxidant called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory compounds and could be beneficial in inflammation reduction. The best purple foods to include are berries – especially blueberries, pomegranate, beetroot, aubergine, elderberries, and passion fruit.
  3. Vegetables [4]. Some vegetables are better at helping to reduce inflammation, this is because of different antioxidant compounds. Consider eating broccoli, peppers and mushrooms. Remember, these could be a great addition to your chicken broth soup.
  4. Anti-inflammatory spices [5]. In Eastern countries, the use of spices is much more prevalent than in Western countries. For years, they have added spices to their meals. Now, we can confidently agree that some spices have anti-inflammatory properties. The best spices to add to your cooking are turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, and black pepper.
  5. Drink plenty of water and kefir water. Drinking water will not only help to keep your body hydrated, but it will also help to lower your body temperature. [6] Drinking kefir water daily will help to replenish some of your depleted gut bacteria. Kefir water is a natural probiotic drink and has proven results in digestive health.

It’s best to avoid fatty, sugary foods and foods that are high in starchy carbohydrates. It can be too easy to reach for these foods during times of illness, but they can prevent your recovery. Check out some of our recipes here.

For more information on our chicken broth and kefir water, please click below.

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