Kefir Water | Cranberry Flavour | 1 Litre


Cranberry Water Kefir Juice | 1 litre

Flavour: Cranberry tingly flavour.

Ingredients: Kefir water grains, filtered water, Demerara sugar (for fermenting only), dried fruit, cranberry juice.

How to Use: Pour out 200ml daily into a glass and drink.

Store: Keep refrigerated. Once opened keep in the fridge for up to 3 months (may lose some of it’s fizzy, not it’s bacteria).

Nutritional Information:

✨ Nutrient🥂 Per 100ml
Friendly Bacteria🦠 9.8 billion CFU of Lactobacillus & Bifidobacterium
Calories🔥 5 kcal
Carbohydrates🍞 1.1g (of which sugars: 0.5g)
Fat🥑 < 0.5g
Protein💪 < 0.5g
Sodium🧂 12mg
Dietary Fibre🌾 1.1g
Potassium🍌 38.2mg

Note: Nutritional values may vary slightly depending on the fermentation process.


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