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Can bone broth help leaky gut syndrome?

Bone broth is a powerful digestive aid, but can bone broth help leaky gut syndrome? Read on for more information.

The digestive system is a complex part of human anatomy. It is only through up-to-date science that we are learning more and more about its function and how important it is for overall health. Bone broth is a natural way to heal damage within the digestive system because it has powerful anti-inflammatory proteins and is believed to help repair the lining of the gut. Therefore bone broth can help leaky gut syndrome.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky gut syndrome is a digestive condition. It is recognised on the NHS and it’s called Intestinal Permeability, although there is very little support from the doctors because it can be a tricky problem to diagnose. Bone broth can help leaky gut syndrome because broth has proven results in reducing inflammation of the gut and improving

Alternative health doctors in recent years, in particular Dr. Josh Axe, have championed leaky gut syndrome as the primary grounding that could cause auto-immune diseases. In his book Eat Dirt, Dr. Axe informs his readers that the science behind a leaky gut is junctions within the gut lining that in a normally functioning gut open at certain times to allow important nutrients through, but in a leaky gut, these junctions stay permanently open allowing anything to pass through. Having a leaky gut allows toxins to pass through, which eventually leads to other health complications, particularly auto-immune disease, as previously mentioned.

Leaky gut syndrome causes

It is believed that eating too much gluten may cause leaky gut syndrome. This is because the protein found in wheat-based foods (Zonulin) is the regulator of when the junctions open to allow important nutrients through the gut lining. However, other factors cause a leaky gut (1):

  • Too much sugar.
  • Yeast overgrowth (such as Candida)
  • Stress
  • Some pharmaceutical drugs in particular anti-inflammatories
  • Malnutrition
  • Too much alcohol

Generally, poor gut health can lead to a leaky gut. Having a leaky gut can be difficult to manage because the symptoms are often ignored and with many conventional doctors not recognising it there is little treatment or support offered.

Leaky gut syndrome symptoms

You may experience some or all of these symptoms [2].

  • chronic diarrhoea, constipation, or bloating
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • confusion
  • difficulty concentrating
  • skin problems, such as acne, rashes, or eczema
  • joint pain
  • widespread inflammation

As you can see the list of symptoms can be associated with other conditions such as IBS and candida overgrowth, which can make it tricky to diagnose.

Leaky Gut Treatment

As with anything digestive related, the best course of action is diet. If gluten is one of the primary causes of a leaky gut, then it’s important to immediately remove all gluten from your diet. This doesn’t have to be forever, but you will certainly want to cut it out. Likely, leaky gut syndrome is also caused by disruption to your gut microbiome, so focusing on diversifying your gut bacteria is important.

Here are five simple steps to follow when treating for leaky gut.

  1. Cut out gluten and sugar from your diet.
  2. Drink bone broth daily on an empty stomach
  3. Eat more plant-based foods with a particular focus on leafy green vegetables
  4. Consume natural probiotics – kefir water and take a probiotic supplement
  5. Relax more, try meditation and remove as much stress from your life

Sometimes, following a Candida diet can help improve the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. This is because quite frequently a yeast problem goes hand in hand with leaky gut syndrome. To learn more about Candida, click here.