Blog, Health Tips

New Guest Writer – Stephen Thomas

New Guest Writer – Stephen Thomas

There are lots of new exciting things happening at Boil and Broth.

Today, we are delighted to announce that we have a new guest writer on board. Please welcome Stephen Thomas, his is better known as the UK Carnivore and is an advocate for a low carb diet with a focus on nutrition and exercise.

Stephen is highly qualified and works within the medical space assisting people who have been referred by their doctors for diabetes and obesity.

We are delighted to have Stephen writing new content for us, as he brings new perspective and additional help and advice for people looking for support on their wellness journey away from conventional medicine.

Stephen hasn’t always been as fit and healthy as he is now. He is like so many of us who have been diagnosed with conditions only to then go on and find through natural, alternative methods away from conventional medicine to heal himself.

He has a wonderful health story to share, please read Stephen’s biography to learn more about him.

My BSc (STEM) qualifications cover the following;

  • Putting sport and conditioning science into practice and psychological aspects of athletic development.

  • Hopefully I can present a range of suggestions to help you on your road to optimal health.

Obesity and Diabetes

  • In the UK I have attained Specialist Practitioner Status: Meaning I am Level 4 Qualified in Physical Activity and Weight Management for Obese and Diabetic Clients.

  • In plain English this means I am on a list of professionals that Doctors can refer to and send patients to me.

Sports Nutrition Related

  • Active IQ Level 3 Award in Nutrition for Sport and Exercise Performance

Pain Management

  • Specialist Practitioner, Level 4 Certificate in Physical Activity and Lifestyle Strategies for Managing Low Back Pain

Exercise and health coaching related

  • Level 4 Personal Trainer qualification.

  • This means that Doctors can refer patients to me.

Blood Work / Labs

  • Qualified Phlebotomist (able to draw venous blood for analysis and testing)

  • Level 3 Qualified with training and assessment by PRO Phlebotomy Training Limited, accredited by the NCFE. This means I am qualified enough to draw blood within the NHS framework. I offer private blood tests in the UK

Anatomy Knowledge

  • Qualified in Osteopathic Spinal Manipulation ™ Cert. AOSM

  • Advanced osteopathic spinal manipulation

  • Medical Acupuncture Cert. AMA

  • And Advanced Medical Acupuncturist

Ongoing study

In July 2021 I finished my second degree and now have a BSc (STEM) in health, fitness and coaching. By 2022 I will have added an ‘honours’ certification to the degree and will be studying human stem cell science and biochemistry of the brain and nervous system.

My Story

I am 57 years old at the time of writing and I have been a carnivore since early 2019, when I turned 55. I started a low carb journey at age 50 after a few health alerts.

Just before reaching 50 years-old I had decided to go low-carb after a Coronary Arterial Calcium (CAC) score of 639 and finding out I was not only at a high risk of a heart attack but also I was pre-diabetic. Low-carb was a big improvement on the high-carb diet I had been eating all my life before that. My pre-diabetes has reversed and my blood sugars look great.

So at age 50 I started eating low-carb and saw some improvements but the results, although good, were not as optimal as I wanted. The next logical step seemed to be to lower my carb intake further and to try the Ketogenic way of eating.

Things improved a further but still I had some remaining niggles. This is when I decided to limit carbs and try the carnivore way of eating. In short it was then that my life transformed (after a period of adaptation and my family adjusting to it too!)

To recap my background, in my twenties I had a brief spell as a semi-professional soccer player, won a singles tennis tournament, competed in a body-building tournament and in my thirties I could run most middle distance races in a pretty quick time. You would think I was a picture of health because I really did act and look like I was.  Sadly I wasn’t healthy inside, I had frequent colds, always had athlete’s foot, skin rashes on my face and other issues, plus I struggled to maintain a healthy weight.

In my thirties and forties I suffered from lower left quadrant pain and needed a colonoscopy. All these aches, issues and pains have all disappeared since eating mostly animal based nutrition.

Now I am a certified online health coach.I started working at in 2019, even covering for Dr Shawn Baker at some of the daily meetings when he was unable to host. I became their top rated coach for a while too, with many many 5 star reviews. I now work with the Steak and Butter Gal and have my own private practice too. I hope to help people achieve the same results as I have. More strength, better health, no colds for 7 years now and all my issues are completely gone. On my website I have over 300 testimonials and 20 video success stories. Many people lose 100lbs plus and quite a few are reversing symptoms of type 2 diabetes and even coming off medications.

I am a qualified diabetes and obesity specialist practitioner in the UK as well as a Level 4 Personal Trainer, so I know all about exercise programs.

I was a high-carb, low-fat eating athlete that got fatter and sicker as I tried to out train what I now see was the completely wrong way of eating.

As I lowered carbs I moved towards being a thinner, fitter sports person and a much healthier person on a low-carb, carnivore diet.

What’s improved

  • Body fat percentage dropped

  • Muscle mass has increased

  • Pre-diabetes gone (I’m a qualified phlebotomist so can do my own bloods)

  • Athlete’s foot gone after 30 years of being plagued by it.

  • Facial skin rash gone

  • More energy

  • Stronger than I’ve ever been

  • Zero lower back pain (I was told at age 23 I’d be in a wheelchair by age 50!)



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